In this episode, we delve into the heartwarming and poignant short story "Kabuliwala" by Rabindranath Tagore. Join us as we explore the narrative of a Kabul-based merchant and his unexpected friendsh...
Enjoy the witty tale of how an egotistic King learns a lesson on not to mess with nature and natural resources. Connect with Sneha: https:/...
Ruskin Bond, one of India's most beloved storytellers, spins a tale around his childhood adventures with his grandfather's pet monkey, Tutu. Tutu does what most monkeys do...bring trouble!! Embark on...
Inspired by a Chinese folktale, this is a tale of two villages that grow melons. A conflict arises when one village becomes prosperous and the other struggles. A thought-provoking story that gives an...
Siva, the supreme being; the cosmic dancer, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism. In this episode we will dive into the legend of Shiva establishing his supremacy by revealing his true natu...
A witty story of two unusual friends - Agar 'magar', the crocodile, and Sumdi lomdi, the fox, who try their hands at farming. But the half-witted 'magar' has no idea where exactly the fruits and seed...
Sher Jung Thapa, also known as the Tiger of Skardu, fought valiantly with his troops for six long months in formidable weather against Pakistani Gilgit Scouts and prevented them from reaching Kargil ...
Bansuriwala, a retelling of the famous 'Pied Piper of Hamelin', is a poem by Safdar Hashmi, playwright and director, best known for his work with street theatre in India. Enjoy the lyrical story of t...
In this enchanting retelling of the traditional Bengali folktale, Grandma (Amma) outwits the wild animals who want to devour her, and manages to visit her daughter. On her way back home, using a gian...